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The Ultimate Eye Exam

These New Test Spot Problems Earlier...

BottomLine Health recently interviewed Dr. Marc Grossman, He is on of our Optometrist here at Somers Eye Center who specializes in Holistic Eye Care and Acupuncture. In this Article, Dr. Marc Grossman discusses new technologies that should be part of every eye exam that will detect early signs of Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, and Diabetic Eye Disease. Here are some of those newer approaches...

Eye Pressure Testing. This Test screens for Glaucoma, which is the build up of fluid in the back of the eye that can cause damage to the optic nerve and cause blindness. There are two types of Eye Pressure Testing that are normally administered, one type is called a tonometer or "Puff" test and the other is called an applanation tonometer, which measures eye pressure by gently pressing on the surface of the eye. The "Gold Standard" has always been the applanation tonometer because of the accuracy of the measurement.

New Eye Pressure Technology. There is now a new Tonometer called the Ocular Response Analyzer that measures Corneal Hysteresis. Corneal hysteresis is defined as the difference between the pressure at which the cornea bends inward during an airjet applanation and the pressure at which it bends out again, as determined by an infrared laser during an intraocular pressure measurement. So Not only does this machine measure your eye pressure but also measures how "elastic" your cornea is.

Retina Exam. Every eye exam should include a check of your Retina. The Retina is the light sensing layer located at the back of your eye. Changes in your Retina can suggest serious eye issues such as AMD, Retinal Detachment, and Diabetic Retinopathy. Fundus Photography is the basic testing to detect problems with your retina. Fundus Photos only take a 45 degree view of the Retina. This view can be increase by taking multiple shots of the Retina at different area and creating a mosaic. Your Eye Doctor may also use a magnifier and bright lights to look into through the Cornea to see the Retina. Most patients will have to be dilated to make sure the Doctor can see the whole Retina.

New Retina Exam Testing. Optomap Retinal Camera is a new technology that takes a 200 degree picture of the back of the eye. This picture is taken in one shot and most patients do not have to be dilated to use this machine.

The Optomap Camera may spot early signs of trouble and encourage your Eye Care Doctor to take preventive steps, which may include medication, supplements, and lifestyle changes.

Visual Field Testing. Your Visual Field can be affected by Glaucoma, retina issues, flashes and floaters. Your Eye Doctor may preform a basic test where he moves his finger from side to side and up and down to test your peripheral vision.

More Advanced Visual Field Testing. Visual Field Testers are not a new technology as they have been around since the 90's, but a lot of offices still do not have this technology yet or have out-dated versions. Visual Field testers like the Zeiss Humphrey Visual Field measure an array of data points in your peripheral gathering more detailed information. A baseline of this test should be preformed at the age 50 or sooner if you have had a history of brain tumors, head trauma, floaters, and flashes of light.

Next Steps. Make sure at your next Eye Exam you ask your Eye Doctor if you should have these test performed. Most of these test are covered by your Health Insurance, if it is not covered cost for these test can range anywhere from $35 to $125. At Somers Eye Center we have all this technology at the ready to help aid our Doctors and Patients with preventive care for your eyes and health. Visit us today to schedule an eye exam.




(914) 277-5550


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