Are Halloween Contacts Safe?

Halloween is just weeks away and Halloween costumes are a hot topic. At Somers Eye Center two questions we always hear around this time is do we sell Halloween Contacts? (Yes...Yes we do Click here) And is it safe to wear Halloween Contacts? The answer to that is yes but only if you follow these tips we are gonna tell you.
Before we get to the tips lets discuss some facts. A 2010 study published in the journal Pediatrics indicated that at least 13,500 emergency room cases each year are due to contact lens injuries in children and teens. However there are no definitive numbers on if those injures spike around Halloween. Also as of 2005 it is illegal to purchase contact lenses without a valid prescription. Contacts Lenses are defined as a medical device and can only be distributed by a licensed eye care professional (ECP). The FDA shut down and fines thousands of locations that sell contact lenses illegal each year.
Tip #1: Get a Contact Lens Fitting. Contact Lens fittings are necessary when getting any type of contact lens even if you do not have a prescription. During a fitting your Eye Doctor will check to make sure your eyes are health to even wear contacts and will also check the size needed for your eyes.
Tip #2: Follow your Eye Care Professionals Instructions. Your Eye Care Professional will give you specific instructions on how to insert, remove, and how to care for your contacts. Make sure you follow these instructions, doing so will greatly reduce the risk of getting an infection.
Tip #3: Purchase your Halloween Contacts from your ECP. You should purchase your Halloween Contacts from your Eye Doctor because they are FDA approved. Some online locations will repackage Halloween Contacts which may contain chemicals and germs not safe for your eyes.
Tip #4: Never Share your Contact Lenses. Never share your contact lenses! While it may seem like a fun idea to swap special-effect lenses with your friends, sharing contacts can spread harmful bacteria and may result in serious eye health problems, including loss of vision.
Tip #5: Wear non-toxic makeup. When getting your Halloween Costume ready make sure to only apply hypoallergenic, non-toxic makeup. If the makeup gets in your eyes you can wash it out with re-wetting drops. It is a good idea to purchase a product called Blink-n-Clean. Blink-n-Clean will clean the eyes and contacts if you happen to get any makeup in your eye.
If you have followed these tips and experience redness, burning, swelling, or discomfort remove the contacts and see your Eye Care Professional as soon as possible to make sure everything is OK. Make sure your Halloween is spooky and safe when wearing Halloween Contacts.